After years of mental warfare I have radically changed who I am and how I look at the world. I want to share my experiences, my journey, and my thoughts and ideas with you. Join me on a roller coaster of rants, tangents, ups and downs, laughing at myself (and the world), and overall exploration of life and ourselves. Catch you soon!
Podcasting since 2021 • 46 episodes
Latest Episodes
46 - Therapy Techniques [feat. Kate Hudson-Hall]
Today I am joined by Kate Hudson-Hall. Kate is a therapist, author, and podcaster based in the UK. She is the author of Bulimia Sucks (the book and the podcast) as well as the Bulimia Sucks food journal and workbook. Additionally, her new book:...
Season 1
Episode 46
45 - (TIP) How to Reduce Overeating
There is NO Shame, Guilt, or Judgment to be had around overeating!! But that being said, sometimes it just doesn't PHYSICALLY feel that great..which can also affect us mentally and cause us to not feel our best. Here are my top 9 s...
Season 1
Episode 45
44 - The Power of Vulnerability [feat. Maria Emery]
I'm joined today by Maria Emery! Maria Emery is a wife to an incredible husband and a mother to three beautiful children. She is a certified holistic nutritionist and a yoga instructor. Her passion has brought her to creating Holistic Mama, bri...
Season 1
Episode 44
43 - (TIP) Coping Strategies
This is NOT an exhaustive list and NOT meant to be a consistent band-aid fix for deeper work on healing trauma, limiting beliefs, and more deeper inner work. However, (healthy) coping strategies and mechanisms can be incredibly useful in our da...
Season 1
Episode 43
42- A Transformative Journey & The Wellness Project [feat. Liv McLeese]
I'm joined today by Liv McLeese! A student at UCSB majoring in English Liv shares her personal journey through disordered eating and how she founded the Wellness Project at UCSB.The Wellness Project aims to bring women together, knowing...
Season 1
Episode 42