
43 - (TIP) Coping Strategies

May 31, 2022 Francesca Meffert Season 1 Episode 43

This is NOT an exhaustive list and NOT meant to be a consistent band-aid fix for deeper work on healing trauma, limiting beliefs, and more deeper inner work. However, (healthy) coping strategies and mechanisms can be incredibly useful in our daily lives when we're experiencing stress, anxiety, and general ups-and-downs. Food historically was always my coping mechanism but when healing from binging I had to learn new skills and ways of dealing with my emotions. In this episode I cover various examples, with the 8 key frameworks being: 

1) Movement
2) Get in Nature
3) Scents / Senses
4) Breathing / Meditating
5) Let the Feelings Out
6) Watch / Listen / Read
7) Spirituality
8) Work

Find me on IG: @francesca.meffert.co